“Nothing can be compared to the new life that the discovery of another country provides for a thoughtful person. Although I am still the same I believe to have changed to the bones.” I couldn’t agree more with the great German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. So am I, trying to live many new lives by going on a new journey again and again…

2022: lanzarote & la graciosa, spain

Lanzarote has a spectacular and bizarre landscape, covered by volcanic cones, vast lava fields, beautiful white and black sand beaches. The fauna and flora are sparse, but the sun is almost guaranteed all year round. In combination with simple but tasty local food and fresh fish, for me – the perfect getaway destination, especially in the off-season.

2021: lago di garda, italy

Lago di Garda is probably one of the most favorite vacation destinations of Germans. Some will therefore be surprised by the cultural mix in this region, reflected in the local food and spoken languages. But one should not be too quick to deny the place its Italian identity: Venetian or Veronese architecture of towns, Mediterranean vegetation and mild climate form a truly Italian atmosphere.